A 42-year old man from Cicero, Doug Bowen, built and installed a hydrogen converter near the engine of his SUV successfully and has since lowered his dependence on gasoline.
"I get a much sharper acceleration and the engine runs a lot smoother and (carbon dioxide) emissions are less," Bowen said. Hydrogen is explosive, but he never feels in danger while driving. "There's not enough hydrogen that it could blow up the car." Read full article
If you are thinking of getting yourself a water power car, visit this website HYDROGEN FUEL FOR CARS.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Build Hydrogen Converter For Better Gas Mileage
Students Build Hydrogen Car
We're always looking for a good alternative to soaring gas prices. A group of middle schoolers from the Treasure Valley are getting a lot of attention, nationally, for a possible solution that they've been researching.
"Some people might ask, 'why don't you just use an electric car?', but electric cars right now takes six to seven hours to charge them up and they don't go as nearly as far, and that's why we looked into hydrogen," said Kevin Brown, another team member. "It is pumped like gas."
Way To Go Guys! Read more
Little Hydrogen Cell Vehicle Video - KBCI-TV
Friday, June 20, 2008
Hydrogen Generator Boosts Gas Mileage
News Channel 5's Joel Massey visited Hixson, a company that offers installation of pre-built hydrogen generator to your car. According to Hixson, drivers could experience an improvement to gas mileage between 30 to 70 percent. Hixson also cautioned car owners on damages to the vehicles if these hydrogen generators are not properly installed. Read full article
If you choose not to buy a pre-built hydrogen generator, you can opt for a homemade hydrogen kit for your car. It's much cheaper and produce the same results. Read the reviews here, Compare HHO Car Conversion Manuals.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Can Sex Sell Green Products?
This actually gives me ideas for a new pick-up line hehe!!
New research commissioned by General Motors in the US finds that women would be more interested in chatting to a chap in a hybrid car than something with a bit more vroom under the hood. Nothing is more foolish, of course, than when men make grand statements about female desire, and I'm pretty sure this will 'o the wisp will have evaded the marketing droids at GM. Read more
"The survey even claims that for 45 per cent of 18-43 year-olds, having a car without green or environmental credentials is deeply unfashionable." - A pal of mine says, in his opinion, these women are just trying to appear 'deep', when in fact they look superficial. I guess a woman who had a boob job, nose job, collagen lips, fake tan etc... will look more 'fashionable' in a green car... opposites attract!
"80 per cent of American car-buyers would find talking to someone with a green car more interesting than someone driving a hot new sports car." - Really? 80 per cent? Were those interviewed environmentalist? Wow!
Run Your Car On Water - Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Does it really work ?
A: Yes; this is well-established technology dating back to stainless steel. But be sure to follow these instructions using the proper mechanical and electrical assembly techniques, as this plan incorporates the best qualities of several techniques.
Q: How does it qualify as "free energy"?
A: If you're paying someone for the water you use, then it is not strictly free. But the alternative is to keep buying into expensive gasoline and its resultant hydrocarbon pollution.
Q: Is it safe?
A: Technically, it is safer than running on fossil fuel because you are no longer choking on your own emissions (health-wise). In general, it is practically as safe as your current gasoline arrangement. You will be installing a few simple safety devices, using current automotive standards.
Q: What kind of performance can I expect?
A: Properly adjusted, your modified vapor-only fuel system will run cooler, and at a modestly higher power level. The mileage performance expected from this design ranges from 50-300 mpg (of water), depending on your adjusting skills.
Q: Can I do the modification myself?
A: Why not? If you don't have any mechanical skills, and you know someone with basic mechanical and/or electrical skills, you can even delegate some of the construction. If you are using a fuel-injected engine, you may have to get a mechanic's opinion. (There will have to be an adapter inserted into the fuel-injection system, just as you would have to do if you were going to run on propane, hydrogen, or natural gas.)
Q: What is the environmental impact that my vehicle will have?
A: It will be producing H20 steam (water vapor) and unburnt O2 (Oxygen). Hence, it will be cleaning the environment, rather than dumping nauseous toxins into it. Plus you will be helping to save our dwindling supply of atmospheric oxygen. Any excess vapor in the reaction becomes either steam or oxygen. You can also expect to be receiving more than casual interest from those around you.
Q: Isn’t this really a steam engine?
A: No. Really. Exceedingly high temperature and pressure are not used. This is strictly an internal-combustion engine (burning orthohydrogen) with residual steam in the exhaust as a by-product.
Stephen Chambers 'Apparatus for Producing Orthohydrogen and/or Parahydrogen' US Patent 6126794
Stanley Meyer 'Method for the Production of a Fuel Gas' US Patent 4936961
Creative Science & Research, 'Fuel From Water'
Carl Cella “A Water-Fuelled Car” Nexus Magazine
Peter Lindemann “Where in the World is All the Free Energy”
George Wiseman “The Gas-Saver and HyCO Series”
C. Michael Holler “The Dromedary Newsletter” and “SuperCarb Techniques”
Stephen Chambers “Prototype Vapor Fuel System”
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
6 Ways You Are Wasting Gas
With all the worry over fuel prices, you'd think drivers would do whatever they can not to waste gas. But look around and you'll see lots of them tooling around as if they owned their own tanker fleet. One of them might be you.
1. Racing away from green lights
2. Racing up to red lights
3. Condusing the highway with a speedway
4. Bumper-buzzing
5. Driving standing still
6. Short hops
Read more
6 Days With A Plug-In Hybrid
Reported by Tyler Hamilton:
Last week, I had the opportunity of test driving a vehicle that, in a variety of driving scenarios, uses considerably less gasoline than conventional cars. When booting around the city, it almost uses no gas at all. Instead, it relies mostly on electricity from the grid. Just plug into a wall socket overnight and you're ready to go in the morning.
Interested? You should be – it could be the kind of car sitting in your driveway 10 years, even five years, from now. Read more